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Turtle Graphics - Curved Paths

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quadcurve cpx cpy epx epy
qc cpx cpy epx epy
Description: moves the turtle on a path described by a quadratic Bézier curve.
The parameters are the coordinates of: the control point (cpx cpy) and the end point (epx epy):

qc -100 100 220 220
The result is shown below:

(see more info about the Bézier curve on wikipedia.org here)
cubiccurve cp1x cp1y cp2x cp2y epx epy
cc cp1x cp1y cp2x cp2y epx epy
Description: moves the turtle on a path described by a cubic Bézier curve.
The parameters are the coordinates of: the two control points (cp1x cp1y cp2x cp2y) and the end point (epx epy):

cc 50 200 90 -180 200 -100
The result is shown below:

(see more info about the Bézier curve on wikipedia.org here)

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